The library

The library

The library is open free to the public and contains more 19.000 cataloguing and indexing: Italian and international books, many italian and international scientific journals, Cd and Dvd, Digital documents, Audio and video of the main Events of the institute, in analogical format from 1989 to 2007 and in digital format since 2007. Also contains: 41.646 chapters of books – 00.916 books on mass emergencies – 54.525 articles in italian journals – 87.432 articles in international journals – 1.626 articles on mass emergencies.

Library provides access to the people with reduced mobility

Opening time 
Mon : 09-13 | Tue : 13-17 | Wed : 13-17 | Thu : 13-17 | Fri : 09-13
Contacts Tel +39 0481 533632 | e-mail

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